Update: 1-21-21
Saiga-12, we have the 10 round magazines mostly assembled, finishers should have the 8 round done soon, they had a machine breakdown which caused a delay. Current goal is 1-28-22
Saiga .308 100 series, we should be finishing these up shortly.. It's a small batch so if you have one of those rare guns be sure you grab the even rarer magazine because we do NOT intend to make a second batch.
Vepr-54r figuring on Mid to late February on these, should be run with 6.5g magazines, we are planning a small restock of 6.5G magazines as we have a volume of springs from the previous batch, with the remainder following when we get more springs in stock.
Savage 23A magazines and Remington 541/581 will be getting worked in with one of the above batches.