Read before sending contact:
We have been having intermittent email failures over the past year, the issue gets resolved and then reoccurs when our website host pushes a new update. If we do not respond to a contact request in 48 hours please try again, we likely did not receive your request, or our reply went to your spam folder or simply didn't send.
Our phone number is 1-386-490-1102, calls will be answered Monday thru Friday 10am to 6 pm Eastern time, Saturday 2pm to 6pm, we are closed Sunday. We are primarily a machine/manufacturing shop, so many working hours we cannot hear the phone ring.
If you are having a error with a credit card, please confirm the following:
Billing address is the address your credit card statement is mailed to.
Zip codes for AVS are normally 5 digits only. Using 9 digits seems to cause a problem from time to time.
You can also email product questions using form below. NO sensitive information such as credit card numbers should be entered here. If you do not get a reply inside of 24 hours, try again and follow up with a phone call.. Sometimes our email replies are flagged as spam or simply don't arrive.