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AK 6.5G 30 round

  • Showing 6.5x39 (6.5 grendel) AK pattern magazine
  • AK pattern rear contact point.
  • Front of AK model is notched for clearance on bullet guide, and also has a clearance cut below the front contact surface.
  • Floorplate
  • Showing 10, 20 and 30 round models.
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Product Description

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If you have a Vepr 6.5 Grendel you need the Vepr pattern


Magazines for AK rifles chambered in 6.5 Grendel.



Standard 7.62x39 magazine dimensions on lock up points. Back corners of magazine well may need to be opened toward rear slightly.


On some build kits a spacer may be required to prevent scuffing of the feedlips. We have noticed this with WBP parts.

We have made a batch of .019" thick spacers for under the selector stop plate, and they are available for free by request.


Magazine is all steel construction, with a black nitride finish.

Weight of empty magazine is 9.7 ounces.

Length from top to bottom is 8.5"

Magazine has full capacity view holes on each side.

Floor plate is marked USA, magazine counts as 3 US made parts for 922r compliance.




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Product Reviews

  1. Very nice magazines 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 15th Oct 2021

    Nice magazines that make the grendel AK possible.

  2. Fine craftsmanship! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 25th Dec 2020

    Haven't recieved my vepr yet so can't speak to the effectiveness of these mags but dang, these things are impressive. Just as fine as any nice steel mag you would find out of eastern Europe. You folks sure know what you're doing.

  3. Works in my 6.5 grendel pistol 4 Star Review

    Posted by on 19th Dec 2020

    I am giving the mags 4 stars for two reasons, the first being they need to be cleaned upon arrival and the roughness left on the finish needs to be smoothed out with a light abrasive cloth inside and out, then a dry lube with a silicone or teflon lubricant for break in on the inside and out, applied with a cloth, this also protects against corrosion,the roughness of the finish was not allowing the rounds to load and feed as smoothly as they should, this greatly improved that.

    Second for my gun I needed to modify one of the feed lips ever so slightly to clear the bolt during operation, after I did that I was dumping 30 rounds of grendel easy. I will add more to my mag collection most likely.

    The mags are easy to load and run now.

  4. Works in a VEPR with a bullet guide 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 19th Nov 2020

    The VEPR specific magazines are unavailable so I went with these along with an added bullet guide. Both function just fine together with no modification to either so far (I already filed down the mag catch while fitting more common AK polymer mags) Magazine insertion can get wonky trying to catch the front. As there have been no issues with these magazines, they are technically better performing than the factory magazines so far.

  5. Reliable 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Nov 2020

    No wobble at all in the magwell and haven't had a failure to feed yet.

    (Csspecs: we suggest waiting for the Vepr version)
    These will work on a 6.5 Grendel Vepr AK, you just have to install a 7.62x39 bullet guide (a slight bevel on the bullet guide may be required using a grinder) and filing down the top of the magazine catch a little.

  6. 10/10 would buy again. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 1st Oct 2020

    So basically, I bought a 20" Grendel barrel for an AR project years ago. Could never find magazines that would actually feed right AND hild the amount of rounds they said they would. Enter the KS47 from PSA. (An AR that takes AK mags) Bought one, ripped the 7.62x39 barrel out, swapped the bolts (type 1 to type 2), and put on my 6.5 Grendel barrel. Ordered 1 6.5 Grendel mag for the AKM. Got it, had to file the feed lips just a bit to let the bolt carrier clear them. Perfection. Not a single failure to feed. It also ran perfectly out of my 6.5 Grendel AK. Bought 3 more about a month later. Will be buying a few more in the coming weeks.

  7. Extremely Reliable! Not really heavy and fits really well in magazine pouches. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 3rd Apr 2020

    These magazines are ridiculously reliable. I got an idea to use one of these for a 6.5 Grendel AR Build by buying the 80% BRS-47 lower. The magazine dimensions up top are AKM pattern, which means that you now have a reliable magazine that rocks into an AR with an AK magwell. They're very reminiscent of the PAP M85 magazines and WASR-3 magazines just with an AKM width which makes sense because the parent cartridge of the 6.5 Grendel is the .220 Russian which it's parent cartridge is 7.62x39mm.

    If you want an AK Pistol that can accurately do 700M no problem, this is your magazine and cartridge to use.

    Great job, CSSpecs!